Monday, July 13, 2015

Old Quilt TLC

I was helping my friend sort clothes at the Lutheran Church she attends.  The items are donated clothing, mostly, but occasionally bedding, toys or other things.  The volunteers are well organized, standing around two long rows of tables, pulling clothing out of bags that two other volunteers bring in from a truck outside, a few at time.  The camaraderie among the volunteers is great.  They joke about the strangest and grossest things they've found: a soiled bathing suit seemed to be the worst.

We examined each item, throwing anything too worn, torn or stained, into a pile that would be discarded or recycled.  The rest of it would all be laundered before being sent to their thrift store.

A quilt was examined and found to be too worn to be saved.  I asked if I could see it and wondered if I would be able to save parts of it.  Since they were just going to throw it away, they let me have it.

And so my journey begins, just like my master quilter friend in North Carolina, of finding and repairing or salvaging parts of old quilts.

As you can see in this up-close picture, it is in really bad shape so salvaging is probably what I'll have to do, and then to totally rebuild this quilt.

In this view, it doesn't look bad.  I've saved this view for rebuilding. 
I'm excited.  A winter project.  

Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Friend's Quilts

My friend love's quilts.  She makes her own, she finds unfinished quilts in thrifts stores and finishes them if they are worthy, she finds old quilts and repairs them, she makes honor quilts and she makes memory quilts for people who have lost loved ones.  

A memory quilt for the parents of a young girl.

The quilt here is behind my man, hanging between the curtains. 
This one is made from sweet little hankies.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My Memories of Making Five Memory Quilts

I finished all five memory quilts, made from my sister's clothes. Her kids had divided them into five color and memory-coded groupings. The fabrics were everything from a white faux fur vest that each of the kids wanted used in their quilt, to good quilting cottons, to knits, to open-weave sweaters and jeans.

I worked on these quilts over many different states. Connecticut and Maryland are where I did all the cutting of my sister's clothes. North Carolina is were I started sewing the first quilt, learning how to do a traditional quilt. I  hand stitched as we drove from North Carolina to Kansas City and later north to South Dakota, then back through Kansas City to Memphis, then back north to Maryland. I sewed later in Maryland and Virginia, sitting on patios, beaches, alongside swimming pools, and on front porch steps, as well as in our RV. Those quilts went a lot of places with me. Mostly they stayed next to my heart.

I came to love those quilts. I wasn't sure how to do them when I started. I had just learned to do rag quilts with my daughter-in-law last December and thought I could do them all like that. Than a friend, a master quilter, taught me how to quilt the traditional way. So the quilts are a mix of the two styles.

Each quilt spoke to me. I spoke to my sister as I worked with her clothes. Though I loved those quilts,  I hated them too. They represented my sister's death. But we couldn't control that. We can't reverse that.  What I could control was to make something that would have a kinesthetic connection to my sister and to represent something beautiful - the memories and the immortality of love. I know particular articles of her clothing were tied to her kid's activities, interests, events. I also saw articles of her clothing that were tied to visits to me over the years, such as a couple of  crab T-shirts from Maryland. Many articles of clothing I worked with she had purchased when I'd taken her shopping to get clothes that fit her better as she lost weight. And there were even a couple of blouses I'd given her.

This the first quilt I finished, done in 4 inch squares, rag quilt style. The colors, kind of hard to tell from this picture, seemed to me to be predominantly pinks and browns, so I used a plain, brown cotton/felt/fleece-type material as the backing. It is the only one of the quilts that has a totally plain back, just squares with "X" sewed across each. It is warm and cozy.

  Here is a closer look.
And closer. 

This next quilt, obviously in a red theme, but with grays, blacks, and some blues, is also done in the rag quilt style, but with 6 inch squares because the 4 inch squares took forever and a day to cut, and they limited what could be seen of some of the logos and words. This time, I put my sister's clothes on to the "back" of the quilt. I mean, really, the front of the back is what we call it, right? I was learning as I was going and it occurred to me that the different logos would show up better if not folded over and clipped like the previous quilt.
 Here is a closeup.
Here is what normally would be the front on a rag quilt but is now the back, made from alternating thick gray fleece and a winter-weight gray cotton printed sheet. I love how the red from the opposite side shows up in the frayed seams.
And a closer look at the what normally would be the front of a rag quilt but is now the back on this one.
 And closer.

Here is a quilt in the traditional style, where my friend, the master quilter, helped me design and sew these front pieces together, helped me put the batting in the center, and line a backing on it, with black edge trim. Then she showed me how to "stitch in-the-ditch" - in the seams, by hand, with a quilting needle. She suggested I use buttons if I like, decoratively and to do double duty to help hold the layers together. She also suggested I stitch around words or designs and have fun with it. She told me to just let the quilt talk to me and tell me what it wants to do. I did that. And it did.

The color scheme is very eclectic but with lots or oranges, yellows and reds.

 You can see I stitched around the light layers of the lavender star behind the word, HOPE. I'd also stitched through each of the letters of the word HOPE.
And here, below, I used buttons that had lined the opening edges of a cardigan made of material too loose to try to use in the quilt. I stitched them around the border on what had been a black T-shirt, now surrounding a green Golf polo shirt logo. The buttons helped hold the fabric layers in place. Initially I'd done hand stitched square rectangles around the green rectangle on the black, but I didn't like how that looked so I took it all out, and just like my friend said, the idea came to me that those large, square and rectangular, shiny black buttons were supposed to be here.  
Here is the back, a bit puckered in places.  My first.
Here is another quilt, done in a rag quilt style, but with 12x6 rectangles, backed in denim with alternating shades.  As you can see, the color scheme here was primarily blues.
 Here is the back.
And here is the last one, done in the traditional method, with batting and backing and stitching in the ditch. I put T-shirt designs and a sweatshirt logo on the back of the quilt so that the front would all be in the wonderful color scheme of greens.
 Here is the back with the T-shirt designs and sweatshirt logo's.
Here is a closeup of the front.
Closeup of one of the T-shirt designs on the back.
I love these quilts. We mailed them off, UPS, last Tuesday. As of Wednesday, they've all arrived to my sister's children.

There were tears, I'm sure. As there were when I was making them. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Progress on Memory Quilts

I am almost finished with the five memory quilts, made from my sister's clothing. There is one for each of her five kids. Each quilt is different. Each one seemed to tell me how to build it. Each of the kids selected a color scheme they liked and/or various articles of clothing that had meaning to them.

The pictures of this first one, for her youngest daughter, who just finished her freshman year in college, is the first quilt I started cutting, using the 4 1/2 inch squares. Cutting all that fabric into these tiny squares took so long that I switched to the 6 1/2 squares for the next three quilts. I did this first one, with the 4 1/2 squares in the rag quilt style. The back, not shown, is all the same material, a brown felt or fleece.

The quilt being modeled on the guest bed at one of my friend's houses.

The above quilt is the first one I started cutting, as stated, but then switched and started sewing on another one while in North Carolina, with my friend, Karen. Karen is a master quilter, though she is too humble to call herself that. Karen taught me so much in the week we were there. We laid out the pattern for a quilt done in the traditional style - machine sewing the pieces for the top, then sandwiching the batting, and hand stitching the back and sides to it, and stitching in-the-ditch (stitching in the seams) and other decorative hand stitching as I see fit. It is still not done because I wanted to take advantage of house sitting opportunities and space to lay things out on the floor or tables to do any cutting, trimming, and all the machine sewing work.  

Here is the one Karen and I laid out and started in NC. It is still not finished.  

The front, obviously.
The back.
As you can see from the pic of the back, I have a couple of puckers I need to fix.  I 

sewed on this one by hand, (above) while in the truck as we drove from North Carolina to Kansas City, then on to South Dakota, then back south to Memphis, then on to Maryland.  

I am still not finished, and I want to go back in and take out some of what I did and redo it better.  There are other things I want to redo as well, such as the stitching around the words, Hello Dolly. 

The one below might just be my favorite, though I like them all and they are all very different. This one I am so proud of because I laid it out myself, doing it in the traditional quilting style, like Karen had taught me. I know it is simple - all the same size squares and no fancy patterns, but hey, it is my first one done totally on my own. What has really stymied me with these quilts, besides working with all the different fabrics which meant varied thicknesses and stretchiness, has been how to incorporate the logos and pictures on T-shirts, Polo's and sweatshirts that have meaning for my sister's children. This quilt below, with the colors, just seemed to want to present the colors, the greens and grays and browns, a soft, mellow pallet.

So I put the T-shirt and sweat shirt logos, most of them, on the backing. I still have the quilting pins on there since I had not done any hand stitching at the point where this picture was taken. I think the backing will look better once the pattern of hand stitching penetrates the three patches sewed on. It will incorporate them better, I hope, onto the canvas. 

This back view of the quilt shows that it is still pinned.  The sides /layers have not even been 'hemmed'  yet. 
This is the view (below pic) from where I had my sewing machine set up in Fairfax, VA, where we were house sitting for a week and a half. 

And below is the pic where I am hand stitching, sitting on the front porch at our friends' house in Woodbine, MD, early in the morn in my 'jams, enjoying the morning air. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Colorful Fabric and Beaded Items at the Beale Street Music Fest

I saw these at the Beale Street Music Fest 2015. The top one was part of a blanket or wrap (don't recall which) and the bottom was hanging with necklaces and scarves and is meant to be worn over....whatever, your birthday suit if you like. I didn't make either of them, or buy them but appreciate them. 

Caught my eye.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fabric Museum within the Mallory-Neely Mansion

We toured the Mallory-Neely Mansion in Memphis, TN. It has a large collection of old clothing and fabrics stored in a separate room but the expert wasn't around to discuss inventory. Still, I love that someone is doing that.

Some of the clothing in the collection gets displayed on mannequins, apparently on a rotating basis.  One of the staff went by carrying vintage under garments for some display or talk she was giving, though I can't find any reference to it or the collection on-line.

This old Wilcox & Gibbs sewing machine has personality. It is not original to the house but in keeping with the period.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fabrics and Embroidery in Old Mansions

We toured the Bingham-Waggoner Estate and the Vail Mansion in Independence, MO. I was allowed to take pictures in certain areas. I especially loved the collection of old wedding dresses on display in the Vaile Mansion. The red dress below, unusual in that most people don't think of red as a wedding dress, was my favorite. 

The below are closeups of the embroidery. 

The below ivory wedding dress was my second favorite, due to the style.
And this one I loved simply due to it's location under the staircase, near the reflections from the lamp to it's right. It made it come alive. 
In the Bingham-Waggoner Estate, where nearly all the furnishings were originals to the Waggoner family, I loved the pillow in this rocking chair. 

Here is a close up of the pillow on the rocker.
Needlepoint on the back of a chair. 

I love the below design in that it was on a voile shade. The green is from the grass outside.

I'm not sure what this stitch is called, but I like it and will research it further. 

I guess this is the early version of a rag quilt?

I miss my collection of vintage hats that I had while living at Shangri-la (our beautiful home on a hill in the woods near Annapolis). I had a few dozen hats. I gave several to friends, and some some to another friend (she insisted on paying for them because she resells).  I miss my hats.  But not enough to work full time.

There were several framed needlepoint bouquet collections, some with human hair, which was popular, by necessity in days of old.  

T-Shirt quilt - University of Maryland Theme

 T-Shirt quilt I made for my daughter with her University of Maryland era T-shirts. I loved doing machine quilting on this and had fun going...