Showing posts with label Bingham-Waggoner Estate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bingham-Waggoner Estate. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fabrics and Embroidery in Old Mansions

We toured the Bingham-Waggoner Estate and the Vail Mansion in Independence, MO. I was allowed to take pictures in certain areas. I especially loved the collection of old wedding dresses on display in the Vaile Mansion. The red dress below, unusual in that most people don't think of red as a wedding dress, was my favorite. 

The below are closeups of the embroidery. 

The below ivory wedding dress was my second favorite, due to the style.
And this one I loved simply due to it's location under the staircase, near the reflections from the lamp to it's right. It made it come alive. 
In the Bingham-Waggoner Estate, where nearly all the furnishings were originals to the Waggoner family, I loved the pillow in this rocking chair. 

Here is a close up of the pillow on the rocker.
Needlepoint on the back of a chair. 

I love the below design in that it was on a voile shade. The green is from the grass outside.

I'm not sure what this stitch is called, but I like it and will research it further. 

I guess this is the early version of a rag quilt?

I miss my collection of vintage hats that I had while living at Shangri-la (our beautiful home on a hill in the woods near Annapolis). I had a few dozen hats. I gave several to friends, and some some to another friend (she insisted on paying for them because she resells).  I miss my hats.  But not enough to work full time.

There were several framed needlepoint bouquet collections, some with human hair, which was popular, by necessity in days of old.  

T-Shirt quilt - University of Maryland Theme

 T-Shirt quilt I made for my daughter with her University of Maryland era T-shirts. I loved doing machine quilting on this and had fun going...